

My name is Akli, I'm 32 years old and I'm a software engineer. For some reason you've stumbled across my website. I feel honoured! I originally made this website using a really cool framework called Vue.js, however I have since remade it using Gatsby.

I made this website because I owned the domain for a while and I wanted to have a place where I can make and show off cool stuff! You can view all the components that make up my website on my storybook subdomain.

Check out my CV

I'm a front end developer

I’m an ambitious and driven developer that always aims to deliver readable code that conforms to best practices and standards. I’m always keen to keep up-to-date and utilise the latest technologies. I’m sociable with a quirky sense of humour, and enjoy engaging and collaborating with my co-workers in and out of work. I’m always seeking a challenge and strive to use my initiative to solve practical problems and meet deadlines and targets.

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Follow me on Twitter for some reason. I don't tweet very often but when I do, oh boy!



Impressed with my website? Probably not, but do follow me on Github anyway.